Scene4 Magazine - Arts and Media:

November 2012

Scene4 - International Magazine of Arts and Media - November 2012 -


Memento Mori
Michael Bettencourt
Scene4 Magazine: Michael Bettencourt |
On Sunday, August 26, 2012, something happened. What if that day were to be my last? And I knew fully that this ending was coming.

Actor? Let's See Your License
 Arthur Meiselman
Scene4 Magazine: Arthur Meiselman |
For our own quality assurance, we try to license everything that is important to us, except giving birth to and raising children, of course.

Nathan Thomas

Scene4 Magazine: Nathan Thomas | To be an American as I write feels like being at the end of a long marathon. At the end
one man left standing.

Neil Young: Waging Heavy Peace
Les Marcott

Scene4 Magazine: Les Marcott | 
Neil Young seems to be part of a trend when it comes to aging rock stars writing memoirs. 

Colonel Crap
Claudine Jones

Scene4 Magazine: Claudine Jones | Auditions have come and I have tried to get interested; I know the director & the theater, but I'm past reading F early to mid 40's anyway.

Scene4 Books
Plays Poetry Media

Fiction, poetry and plays-ready-for- production in an easy, inexpensive EBook-PDF format

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Scene4 Magazine: "Looper" reviewed by Miles David Moore November 2012

FILM (reviews)
The Master

Paul Thomas Anderson and Rian Johnson are two of the most fascinating film directors working today.  Stylistically, they couldn't be more different.
Miles David Moore

Scene4 Magazine: Einstein on the Beach - reviewed by Karren Alenier | November 2012 |

Einstein on the Beach

This seminal opera/music theater piece by Robert Wilson and Philip Glass is an intermissionless, four-and-one-half-hour meditation on the life and accomplishments of physicist Albert Einstein and is realizing its fourth production, third international tour.
Karren Alenier

Scene4 Magazine - Maguy Marin's "Faces" | reviewed by Catherine Conway Honig | November 2012 |

Manipulating the Masses

The audience in Paris responded to Maguy Marin's
Faces as if they were part of the choreography.
Catherine Conway Honig

Pornchai Chaima

Fifth Step to
Lanna Artist Way

Janine Yasovant
คลิกเพื่ออ่านบทความนี้ เป็นภาษาไทย

'The Sessions': Poetry, Sex and the Silver Screen
 I've seen lots of movies about people who I "know" because they're famous, but I'd never seen a film about someone who I knew in real life.
Kathi Wolfe

My Old Man!
Kish Meer In Tookis

An ongoing series by
Scene4's resident mad cartoonist

Elliot Feldman

Scene4 Magazine: Pornchai Chaima - Fifth Step to Lanna Artist Way | Janine Yasovant | November 2012 | Scene4 Magazine - Karren Alenier - The Steiny Road To Operadom |
Scene4 Magazine: Kathi Wolfe - Life Among The Heffalumps | Scene4 Magazine - Salome's Lament | Griselda Steiner | October 2012 |

Brewsie and Willie
The Film
There are no commercial films based on any of Gertrude Stein's works, except, now, Rosalind Morris, has completed a film based on Stein's post World War II novella.
Karren Alenier

Queen of the Night's Lament

Lyric from the musical
Hypatia - the original archetype of the ancient Mother Goddess denigrated by evil patriarchs.

Griselda Steiner

Scene4 Magazine: Comics - "My Old Man - Kish Meer In Tookis" | Elliot Feldman | November 2012 |

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Scene4 Magazine — inSight - Views and Perspective on the Arts
Scene4 Magazine: Perspectives-Images | Postcards from Italy  - The Photography of Jon Rendell | November 2012 | Scene4 Magazine: Perspectives-Images | Postcards from Italy  - The Photography of Jon Rendell | November 2012 | Scene4 Magazine: Perspectives-Images | Postcards from Italy  - The Photography of Jon Rendell | November 2012 |

Postcards from Italy
The Photography of Jon Rendell

Dialogues - Video

Scene4 Magazine: Perspectives - Dialogue | Undress Me | Michael Bettencourt | October  2012 | www.scene4.comUndress Me  Michael Bettencourt
In a bar, Laura turns to Stefan and asks him to undress her by word of mouth, in his best mother tongue.

Scene4 Magazine: Perspectives - Dialogue | The Greed Gene | Michael Bettencourt | October  2012 | www.scene4.comThe Greed Gene  Michael Bettencourt
A young couple is told by their genetic counselor — the "genie of genes" — that their child has the greed gene, and there is nothing they can do to stop the expression of the gene. What are they going to do?


We Can't Publish This Story  SS. Burrus
Everyone knew that Buzzard had come down from the sky dome and had given the land, which was only mud... beautiful mountains. He had carved them out with his wings.

The Disintegrating Man  Sanjeev Mohan
There was something he wanted to forget. Something he really did not wish to remember. Something bad had happened, really bad.


Three Poems  David Wiley
Reading Gabriel Marcel On My Seventy-Fourth Birthday
For a Few French Poets
Rimbaud's House

Breugel  Martin Burke
Thirty wars have preceded this and thirty more will follow
Thirty wars and thirty more where they gather to infer the splendor




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Letters to the Editor

Q for "quick" - long and short reviews on theatre and film

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Que Pasa
Notices, announcements and coming attractions

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Karren Alenier
The Dresser addresses what's
underneath the art

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Miles David Moore
Thoughts and observations
from, to, for or against

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Les Marcott
Dr. Barnabus T. Bynum's
Travelling Minstrel Show

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In This Issue

Four Little Women

At the time of mass madness, the time of outburst of Serbian together with all the other nationalism(s), the family Kasa containing this national mixture is gathered in the family house in Bezdan where it began its horrible and traumatic moments of living, surrounded by war, misery and fear. 


Ljiljana Jokić Kaspar



From the Archives

Special Issues

What Is Obscenity and What's Not?
January 2012 Click Here

A Brief But Quirky
History of the Arts
January 2011 Click Here

The Rising Fall of the Arts
January 2010 Click Here

The One
January 2009 Click Here

What Is Art? / 2008
January 2008 Click Here

View of the Arts/2007
January 2007 Click Here

The Art of Sex in the Arts
February 2006 Click Here

State of the Art of the Arts
October 2005 Click Here

Scene4 Magazine: A Gift of Healing - Marcel Petit's "Hookers" | Carole Quattro Levine | July 2007 |
Scene4 Magazine: In South Africa - Romeo and Juliet versus The Oresteia | David Bannisterr | June 2007 |

A Gift of Healing
Marcel Petit's documentary

Carole Quattro Levine
July 2007

In South Africa
Interpreting the Past
Romeo and Juliet
The Oresteia

David Bannister
June 2007

Special Indexes in the Archives

The Steiny Road to Operadom
Scene4 Magazine - Karren Alenier - The Steiny Road To Operadom |
A complete index of all of Karren Alenier's columns in Scene4 with links.

Click Here for Access

Scene4 Magazine: Comics | Elliot Feldman |
A complete index
of all of Elliot Feldman's
comics in Scene4
with links.
Click Here for Access

Film Reviews
Scene4 Magazine: Film Reviews | Miles David Moore |
A complete index of
the film reviews
by Scene4's
Film Critic,
Miles David Moore
Click Here for

Scene4 Magazine - Arts and Media


November 2012

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Scene4 (ISSN 1932-3603), published monthly by Scene4 Magazine - International Magazine of Arts and Media. Copyright © 2000-2012 AVIAR-DKA LTD - AVIAR MEDIA LLC. All rights reserved.

Now in our 13th year of publication with
comprehensive archives of over 7000 pages 

Scene4 Magazine - Thai Airways |
Scene4 Magazine - Scientific American |
Character Flaws by Les Marcott at
Gertrude Stein-In Words and Pictures - Renate Stendhal