The Steiny Road to Operadom

John Adams: Perspectives
Imagine the music of your favorite opera coming out of the pit onto the stage alone without voices and movement of the singers.
 Karren Alenier

Life Among the Heffalumps
Take My Iambic Pentameter....Please!
 Why Poetry, Art and Life, Need the Politically Incorrect, the Perverse and the Profane.
Kathi Wolfe

The serialization of a new novel by
Martin Challis
Chapter Fourteen - Hunter
They'd received a call 20 minutes earlier from a neighbour who'd heard screaming. Two detectives, Crowle and Earnshaw entered the kitchen, guns ready.

Scene4 Magazine — inSight - perspectives on arts and media
Scene4 Magazine - Karren Alenier - The Steiny Road To Operadom -
Scene4 Magazine: Lia Beachy - La Femme La Mujer La Donna

La Femme La Mujer La Donna
Time for Summer
The sun is shining. Grass is growing. Tomatoes are ripening. Hummingbirds are humming. Dogs and cats are napping in the light and warmth of day. And the only lines to be had should be tan lines.
Lia Beachy

Scene4 Magazine - Kathi Wolfe - Life Among The Heffalumps -
Scene4 Magazine - Old Hippy "The Old Kokkers Table" by Elliot Feldman-July
Scene4 Magazine: "Where Cedar Falls" by Martin Challis -

Old Hippy
The Old Kokkers Table
Elliot Feldman

Scene4 Magazine - Arts and Media

July 2010

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