Scene4 Magazine — inSight - Views and Perspective on the Arts
Scene4 Magazine — inSight - perspectives on arts and media

April 2012

Scene4 Magazine — inSight - Views and Perspective on the Arts
Scene4 Magazine: Perspectives-Images | San Francisco: Above, Below and In Between - The Photography of Jon Rendell | April 2012 | Scene4 Magazine: Perspectives-Images | San Francisco: Above, Below and In Between - The Photography of Jon Rendell | April 2012 | Scene4 Magazine: Perspectives-Images | San Francisco: Above, Below and In Between - The Photography of Jon Rendell | April 2012 |

San Francisco:
Above, Below and In Between

The Photography of Jon Rendell

Scene4 Magazine: Perspectives-Images | A Connection of Joy - The Photography of Eleanor Leonne Bennett | April 012 | Scene4 Magazine: Perspectives-Images | A Connection of Joy - The Photography of Eleanor Leonne Bennett | April 012 | Scene4 Magazine: Perspectives-Images | A Connection of Joy - The Photography of Eleanor Leonne Bennett | April 012 |

A Connection of Joy
The Photography of
Eleanor Leonne Bennett

Scene4 Magazine Arts and Media: Blogs
Scene4 Magazine: Perspectives-glyphs | Safe From The Outside World - SS. Burrus | April 2012 |

Safe From the Outside World  
The Art of SS. Burrus

Scene4 Magazine — inSight - Views and Perspective on the Arts

Scene4 Magazine Arts and Media: Blogs
Conversations Seldom Overheard
[Salvation]  Arthur Meiselman
In a cave, in the hills, in a country.

Illusions Self-Dispossessed  Iri Kopal
Who are you? Why have you come here? Do you think I need you?
Oh, for the money, yes. Only the money.

Scene4 Magazine Arts and Media: Blogs
Dead Dog In A Tuxedo  Les Marcott
Listen lady, for the tenth time there's a dead dog in the alley behind my house. 

Sea Fire  Arthur Meiselman
I am your reader and you are my listener. I am a wanderer.

Scene4 Magazine Arts and Media: Blogs
My Daughters  Griselda Steiner
Lyric poem for The Queen Of The Night from the musical Hypatia.

Many Dreams: Or Persistence  Norman MacAfee
It is kindness, not money, rules the world". — Emeric Pressburger to Michael Powell
on the meaning of their film I Know Where I'm Going!

For Last Month's PERSPECTIVES, Click Here

Scene4 Magazine - Arts and Media


April 2012

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Scene4 (ISSN 1932-3603), published monthly by Scene4 Magazine - International Magazine of Arts and Media. Copyright © 2000-2012 AVIAR-DKA LTD - AVIAR MEDIA LLC. All rights reserved.

Now in our 12th year of publication with
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Character Flaws by Les Marcott at
Gertrude Stein-In Words and Pictures - Renate Stendhal